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What If I Had A Slack Card?

Showing Slack Card

“All things in moderation, including moderation.”― Mark TwainIn yesterday’s post, you may have noticed that we have a “Slack Card” in our Personal Kanban for the day.The problem we, like most people, were having was this:Productivity feels good.The Zone feels good.But productivity and the zone can lead to burnout.Just like Pomodoro includes rests every 25 minutes, we wanted to include a Pomodoro that was nothing but slack.What we assumed was that we have eight half hour pomodoros in an eight hour work day.Interruptions, non-focused tasks, and other minutia tend to make pomodoros not start back-to-back.Of those eight, the slack card is kind of a “get out of jail free” card. It can let you spend a free half hour just resting, it can be spent collaborating on less focused tasks, it can be used to “throw away” if interruptions stop you from being able to do one of your Pomodoro.  Ultimately it’s a visual place holder for an option. You be the judge.

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