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Two Goals Quickly Visualized

I realized that I had fallen off the writing wagon. I had become a non-writer.

Two Goals Quickly Visualized

That was really bothering me.I sat down several times to write blog posts and wrote portions of them or huge rambling missives that went nowhere.Soon it became clear that I needed a goal and to visualize it. It was pretty simple really. It looks like this I wanted to make sure that I wrote blog posts and participated on Twitter. So I made a quick (ugly) chart over my done column on the board by my desk. It has the days of this week with two swim lanes - one for blogging and one for entering 3 tweets per day  into Social Flow.I then mark down how I felt about them when I was done. Overall, it was pretty good. No home runs there, but it was okay. (I’d make a big mouthed smiley for one I was really happy with).What I’m doing here is quickly visualizing, rewarding, and evaluating a goal. Since they’re daily tasks, moving the stickies would be redundant and perhaps even annoying. But setting up a rapid feedback system helps immensely. 

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