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13 elements

13 Elements Of Kanban

In the Personal Kanban book, we say that the book is “not your mom.” The book is not telling you what to do - it is focusing more on why. Your Personal Kanban (or your team kanban) is also not your mom, but it is a lot of other things (not that your mom is a thing....).  The kanban tells you what, when, why, and even some how of your work.Over the next thirteen posts (which in China is a lucky number), we’ll cover how the board helps us define a narrative, understand status, see flow, measure progress, tell the truth, see potential, select better, thwart cognitive bias, be a learning aid, foster improvement, increase effectiveness, and illuminate hidden assumptions.Here is the Table of Contents for these posts (links will be made live as each one publishes):


  1. Shared Story

  2. Information Radiator

  3. Game Board

  4. Leading Indicator

  5. Estimate Refinery

  6. Options Engine

  7. Grounding Object

  8. Metacognitive Tool

  9. Conversation Starter

  10. Collaborative Aid

  11. Work Flow Laboratory

  12. Gemba Symbolizer

  13. Customer Alert System

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